John Dennehy
Jul 13, 2021

lots of factual errors here and opinions presented as certainties. Companies will NOT be "forced" to sell, GBTC unlocks everyday so the last time was NOT in February and while it's hard to quantify how much of previous demand for GBTC is now satisfied by newly approved ETF's in Canada and Europe or stocks such as COIN or Microstrategy, but increased competition seems very worthy of at least mentioning.

Crypto is a weird space (perhaps emblematic of the world at large lately) where those who speak loudest are assumed to be the most knowledgable. That is so rarely the case (on either side) and this post is a great example of that.

John Dennehy
John Dennehy

Written by John Dennehy

Writing about social movements, international politics and cryptocurrency — often from South America or Asia. Author of Illegal

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