Building a Bitcoin Nation

El Salvador is the front line of the next war

John Dennehy
4 min readOct 22, 2021

Bitcoin will win, I have no doubt of that. Our future world will be built on the shoulders of the revolution that Satoshi Nakomoto launched. The genie will never go back into the bottle. However, who benefits is very much to be determined.

We are a small group of people based in El Salvador with the mission to change the world.

There are two versions of Bitcoin’s success. In one, Bitcoin and the revolution it launched will push the world toward decentralization, self-sovereignty, and personal responsibility. It can help us create a world where individuals have more control over their own lives and centralized institutions have less. This is the world we want, this is the world we are fighting for. In this version, Bitcoin is a tool for empowerment and a representation of hope.

In the other version, Bitcoin is a tool of tyranny. It is co-opted by powerful centralized institutions which leverage the technology to increase their power and decrease ours. This path is a more extreme version of our current reality. Blockchain is used to take away the last of our privacy and independence. All our transactions are tracked and monitored — and I’m not just talking about how we spend our money; I’m talking about how we spend our life.



John Dennehy

Writing about social movements, international politics and cryptocurrency — often from South America or Asia. Author of Illegal